The Survey is coming! The Survey is coming!

The Our Church 2030  survey will be available on Wednesday June 7th. This survey is a very important tool to gather opinions that will help us all define the future vision of Calvary Church and how we can better support the community overall. We want to hear from as many as possible, including parishioners, former parishioners, and even members of the community who have never had a connection with Calvary, but would like the opportunity to express their views on religion and spirituality in our community.

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Second Update!

Dear Fellow Calvary Parishioners,

I am writing to give you another brief update on the work on the “Our Church 2030” initiative. Speaking for the entire task force our excitement has never been greater about the potential to make positive changes to energize more parishioners and members of the community to enhance our spiritual lives. This is a major opportunity for all of us.

As mentioned in my first progress report, we are working on four important projects to gather data.

These projects are:

1. Demographic Review: Understanding the demographic profile of Calvary and how it might change in the future compared to the Stonington community at large and the region in general.

2. Current Assessment: The team is undertaking an exercise to identify Calvary’s internal Strengths and Weaknesses as well as external Opportunities and Threats that we face. Many of you might know this is called a SWOT analysis.

3. Review Additional Models of Spiritual Life: We are exploring other traditional or new forms of worship, formation, outreach, and pastoral care used by Christian organizations that could enhance the spiritual life of our Parish and Community.

4. Evaluate Potential Partnerships: We are investigating opportunities to develop positive relationships with regional organizations that can add value through productive partnerships and importantly energize the community at large.

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First update: Task Force formed and hard at work!

It gives me great pleasure to provide the first progress report on the “Our Church 2030” initiative. The goal of this initiative is to engage and energize the parish and community at large in defining the vision for what we want Calvary to be in 2030. We hope to make recommendations to the Vestry by the end the year.

To begin, a task force was created to coordinate the overall effort.

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Calvary Episcopal Church