The Survey is coming! The Survey is coming!

Dear Fellow Calvary Parishioners,

We are pleased to announce the Our Church 2030  survey will be available on Wednesday June 7th. This survey is a very important tool to gather opinions that will help us all define the future vision of Calvary Church and how we can better support the community overall. We want to hear from as many as possible, including parishioners, former parishioners, and even members of the community who have never had a connection with Calvary, but would like the opportunity to express their views on religion and spirituality in our community.

The Our Church 2030 Task Force is taking a “clean sheet of paper” approach to create our shared vision. We want everyone’s views on their perception of Calvary today and most importantly your vision for a bright future. We welcome and value all views, both positive and negative. Our goal is to take a holistic approach so that we can define a unifying, clear vision to move forward. Simply stated, we, along with many churches today, must adapt to create models of engagement that embrace the community at all levels. The information you provide will be a critical component to help us all create a compelling vision for 2030. We hope you will participate.

Next Steps:

  • The survey will be distributed electronically on Wednesday, June 7, using Survey Monkey. If you do not receive it, please check your spam folder.

  • Paper copies will be available at Calvary’s office if you prefer.

  • The deadline for completion is June 30th.

  •  All information is confidential and will be anonymous unless you prefer to provide your name.

  • Please feel free to share the survey link with anyone else who would like to express their views but may not have been contacted already.

Speaking for the entire Task Force, our excitement has never been greater about the potential to make positive changes to energize more parishioners and members of the community to enhance our spiritual lives collectively. This is a major opportunity for all of us. Please let’s take advantage of it. Thank you for taking the time to share your views.

All the best,

Our Church 2030 Task Force

Terri Brennan
Kristin Foster
John Groton
Bill Hoffman
Paul Leeming
Spike Lobdell, Leader
Barb Silver
Brooke Stoddard
Jim Taylor
Lori Taylor, Ex Officio
The Rev. Gillian Barr, Ex Officio