First update: Task Force formed and hard at work!

Dear Fellow Calvary Parishioners,

It gives me great pleasure to provide the first progress report on the “Our Church 2030” initiative. The goal of this initiative is to engage and energize the parish and community at large in defining the vision for what we want Calvary to be in 2030. We hope to make recommendations to the Vestry by the end the year.

To begin, a task force was created to coordinate the overall effort. Much of their work will be collecting data and listening to your views along with those of the larger community, including former Calvary parishioners. We are starting with a “clean sheet of paper” to find the most compelling ideas to create the vision for Our Church in 2030.  

We have assembled a great team composed of current parishioners and members of the community. I am already impressed and energized by the team’s willingness to be the catalyst with all of us to create this new vison, even knowing how much hard work is ahead.

The initial members of the team are:

  • Terri Brennan

  • Kristin Foster

  • John Groton

  • Bill Hoffman

  • Paul Leeming

  • Spike Lobdell, Leader

  • Brooke Stoddard

  • Jim Taylor

  • Gillian Barr, Ex Officio

  • Lori Taylor, Ex Officio

I say “initial members” as we are sure new members will be added as we drive forward to coordinate a number of different projects and activities. 

From the broadest perspective, the Our Church initiative has three phases:

  • Phase 1 – Data Collection and Analysis
  • Phase 2 – Parishioner Engagement
    • All-Parish Survey
    • Small Group Discussions
  • Phase 3 - Consolidation of Recommendations

Currently we are hard at work on four projects in Phase 1:

1. Demographic Review: Understanding the demographic profile of Calvary and how it might change in the future as compared to the Stonington community at large and the region in general.

2. Current Assessment: The team is undertaking an exercise to identify Calvary’s internal Strengths and Weaknesses as well as external Opportunities and Threats that we face. Many of you might know this is called a SWOT analysis.

3. Review Other Models of Spiritual Life:** Explore other traditional or new forms of worship, formation, outreach and pastoral care used by Christian organizations that could enhance the spiritual life of our Parish and Community.

4. Evaluate Potential Partnerships: Explore opportunities to develop positive relationships with regional organizations that can add value to both partners and importantly energize the community at large.

Our goal is to complete most of the data gathering in Phase 1 by the end of April, which will then lead to the All-Parish Survey in Phase 2. The results of the survey will provide the foundation for  parish-wide small group discussions on the most important topic/issues that have emerged. For example one group might explore the role of lay preaching at Calvary, or another might examine how do we enhance pastoral care?

Stepping back and speaking for the entire task force, we believe that this ground-swell effort – to embrace and engage a much broader audience in creating a compelling vision–is a tremendous opportunity that will assure our future. We are grateful for the Vestry’s sponsorship in this effort and, perhaps most importantly, our Rector’s unwavering support of the process. 

Speaking personally, my views of spirituality and faith has changed over time. I don’t think I am alone in that view. People of all ages and backgrounds are “hungry” for true community, deeper experiences, and authentic transcendence. How can we focus more on creating experiences that engage more than just the “head” on Sunday…. but also engage the “heart” and relationships every day?  How can we learn and grow together. We will not let this opportunity slip away! 


Take the perspective that we are all in this boat together. There will be opportunities for everyone to participate in the process on many levels: through the survey, attending one of the small group discussions or offering your expertise on a topic that could advance the creation of the vision. We can accomplish this together, even if we have some differing perspectives along the way, as that will make the ultimate vision stronger.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the task force members with an opinion, question or observation. We promise to communicate our progress frequently.

Most importantly, thank you for your active support in creating Our Church!


Spike Lobdell

Calvary Episcopal Church