Can I make a difference?


How can I help?

Many of us have been prayerfully considering this question. Everywhere we look the need for help is profound: protecting public health, restoring the economy, bringing about an equitable society, healing the rifts in our country.

Are you looking for the best match between your skills and interests and the greatest areas of need? A way to find what is available is by registering with the Connecticut VOAD (CT Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster). VOAD is a humanitarian association of independent voluntary organizations which may be active in all phases of disaster. ECCT (The Episcopal Church in Connecticut) is a member of CT VOAD.


Volunteer Opportunities

Once registered, you can sign up for volunteer opportunities that CT VOAD has ensured are effective, networked and safe. Currently critical areas of need are:

  • making medical care more accessible

  • feeding the hungry

  • housing the homeless

  • helping the undocumented

CT VOAD wants to build up their volunteer base now so that they will be ready for emerging areas of need. These include the upcoming elections, hurricane season, volunteer management, helping animals and assisting people struggling with burnout, stress and compassion fatigue.

To learn more about CT VOAD, go to

To register to volunteer go to